Infiorata di Noale

In June, on the occasion of the Corpus Christi celebration, in Noale there is a truly unique challenge between the Contrade (Bastia, Cerva, Dragon, Cat, San Giorgio, San Giovanni and San Urbano) and the Tempest Group of the Palio di Noale to give greater decorum and splendour to the Christian solemnity: to form a floral carpet of over 100 square meters, depicting religious scenes framed by a turf.

The Infiorata, a widespread tradition in central southern Italy and in Latin American countries, found in Noale, thanks to the Pro Loco and the Contrade, a splendid location among the historic palaces and porticoes inside the castle. For a long time, during the solemnity of Corpus Christi, there was the tradition of crossing the streets and the square in the medieval village; now, flowers have been added to the crossing. Thousands of petals placed on the sand by skilled hands give life to a great pictorial effect, different every year. The art group works months before the event to decide on the design, often linked to religious symbols, to define the colors and materials, to organize the work that will last many hours, and thus give the people of Noales and the many visitors a unique show, always original.


The artists use thousands of petals, herbaceous essences, cereals, stems and natural materials that they lay on the roadside near the ancient Bell Tower. A work that requires coordination, teamwork (there is also the help of the children of the city kindergartens) and a lot of dedication. This is the meaning of the ancient tradition, which is not only scenographic. The day ends with the Corpus Christi procession under the Tower of the Bells, in front of the paintings made with flowers and their final trampling by the children.

Thus one of the main solemnities of the liturgical year is rediscovered and an ancient tradition is revived: the Infiorata, which has its roots in the ancient popular festival of the Infrascata. The event has become one of the most eagerly awaited events by the people of Noala and by the many passionate tourists who travel around Italy to discover its beauty and traditions.

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