Noale in Fiore

The flower, plant and tree market-show has been held for 40 years along the streets and squares of Noale’s Medieval centre on the second Sunday of April. Every year, over 200 exhibitors from the horticultural industry gather in town and display everything green and gardening.

“Noale in Fiore is much more than a market show – claims Enrico Scotton CEO of the Pr Loco in Noale, the organisation that plans the event – it is an exceptional spring fair equipped with art exhibitions, street art performances, concerts, crafts markets, guided tours of the natural reserve, workshops and games. All activities are planned to provide a family-friendly, educative and fun experience where visitors can get to know better the area’s history and nature.

During the event, citizens will be awarded for their gardening skills based on their care for their gardens or balconies. Nature, art, performances and leisure activities are just some of the key ingredients for this successful family-friendly event.


Enrico Scotton

President of Noale's Pro Loco

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